about us
Meet Julie
I wasn’t looking to buy a horse! But Emmie is one of a kind.
At 3 years-old everybody kept telling me “She’ll wake up”. Well, now 4, a lameness test, acupuncture, chiroprator, farrier appointments, and a month with myself & our trainer…
We’ve come to the blaringly obvious conclusion that Emmie is just lazy and super chill & a whole lot stubborn, You won’t see Emmie & I chasing barrels, we are more likely to be on a trail. Which suits us both just fine.
Emmie & I have come leaps and bounds. I am so proud of the relationship we have developed. I adore my girl, and she me. At 47, I have my heart horse. We have learned creating boundries, respect and drive.
This mom of five loves nothing more than being in tune with her horse. Iv’e spent countless hours reseraching horse health, grooming, training and learning body language, how to overcome triggers etc.
We are passionate about providing the best life we can for our 4 legged family members.
Meet Adrianna
Adrianna met her heart horse Gracie from over a fence post. At age 14, Adrianna befriended Gracie, along a trail behind her grandparents house. Adrianna marched herself right up to the owners front door and asked if she could just care for her.
Never having any formal lessons, she threw herself into this retired polo horse. Grooming, feeding and loving her with every ounce of her being.
After many hours of formal training, she learned to ride well enough to handle herself with this 20 year old throughbred, Gracies owners gifted Gracie to Adrianna just a few years later.
Proving she could handle the responsibility of paying board and her care, they haven’t looked back